夢の宇宙誌/Cosmographia Fantastica

このタイトルは澁澤龍彦の「夢の宇宙誌 コスモグラフィア・ファンタスティカ」からそのまま勝手にお借りしているため、本の好きな方や澁澤龍彦のファンの方が気づいてくださることが多い作品です。 私自身ももちろんこの本が好きで読んではいるのですが、絵の内容と本の内容を一致させるつもりはあまりなく、ほぼタイトルから派生するイメージを描いたものがこのシリーズ作品となっています。 

 まだ多くの事象が謎のままで解明されず、科学の光が淡く、夜と迷信の闇が濃密だった時代に、人間の想像力は不思議な生物や説話を産みました。 その今では考えられないような諸々に、現代の私が書籍や図版で触れる時には、新鮮な驚き、そして逆に人間が古今東西似たものを生み出すことを、人と繋がり関わっていることを知り、どこか安心するのです。 


This title is borrowed from Tatsuhiko Shibusawa's "Cosmographia Fantastica", and it is a work that many book lovers and Tatsuhiko Shibusawa fans are paying attention to. Of course, I love this book too. However, I don't really intend to match the content of the picture with the content of the book, and this picture depicts an image that is almost derived from the title. 

 In an age when there were still many unexplained phenomena, the light of science was weak, the darkness of the night and superstitions were thick... Human imagination gave birth to strange creatures and stories. There is a fresh surprise when you touch on the way of thinking about things that you cannot think of now through books and illustrations. And I was a little relieved to know that humans in the past, present, and east and west have created similar things, connected and engaged with people. 

 Sci-fi comics and novels are placed in one corner of the robotics laboratory, and I have heard somewhere that "anything that can be imagined by humans can become a reality." Whether imagination catches up with reality or reality catches up with imagination, the endless chasing continues.