カナシキカイ/Sad answer-Sad machine,Dear answer-Dear machine


 喜怒哀楽の感情があり、自ら考え想像し、想像し得るか否か… 人の手によって生み出され、作られたままに壊れるまで働き続ける彼らに、私たちは混沌とした感情を抱きながら彼らを日々利用している。






Many people think that the biggest difference between humans and machines is whether they have a mind or not. 

 Whether you can think, imagine, and imagine yourself with emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure... Machines are created by human hands and continue to work until they break. I use them daily with chaotic feelings. 

 The emotion is a mixture of love for the child that was born, fear of the parent being overtaken and replaced, a little admiration and envy, and pity.At first glance, it is ambiguous, but it clearly separates humans from machines. 

 Machines that do not have the ability to worry and suffer in a simple world where there are only 0 or 1 answers, and fulfill the meaning as they were faithfully created are painfully beautiful, sad and lovely. 

 We, who drag along our entanglements and indivisible emotions, repeat detours and disappear while searching for an answer that will convince ourselves, are also painfully beautiful, sad and lovely. 

 I will draw such a human being, such a machine. Until now and from now on.

 *Solo exhibition “Kanashi Kikai” concept text