「月虹」/Moon bow
私と数年前まで一緒にいたうさぎは明るくかわいらしいお嬢さんでした。 最期は口の中に腫瘍が出来て食事が摂れなくなっていました。その手術を受けましたが予後が悪く亡くなりました。 出来る限りのことはしたと思ってはいても、思い返すともっと出来ることがあった、やりようがあったと後悔は尽きません。
A moonbow is a rainbow that appears at night, and unlike the colorful rainbow in the daytime, it seems to shine white and faint.
The death of a beloved creature is expressed by crossing the rainbow bridge, and especially the death of a rabbit is mourned by returning to the moon.
The rabbit who was with me until a few years ago was a bright and cute young lady. At the end she had a tumor in her mouth and was unable to eat. She had the operation but she had a poor prognosis and she passed away. I think I did the best I could. But I can't help but feel sorry for her that I could have done more for her.
"Moonbow" depicts a rabbit yawning. She's just like my daughter, another unmodeled, happy rabbit.
They do not speak. I want to have many ears so that I can listen to their voices without leaking. Even though my eyes are swollen, I want to put wheels on my body that can take them anywhere, and someday see the night rainbow in the sky.