「素餐の宴」/(SO=SAN no Utage)Banquet of useless people
子供の頃から私はずっと変わらない、不変であることが好きでした。自分の好きな毛布やぬいぐるみ、信条や考え方、習慣、生活のスタイル。きっとこのまま変わらず、それが未来永劫いつまでも続くのだと感じていたのです。 実際には周囲は恐ろしい早さで移り変わっていくし、私自身も成長すれば気に入っていた服も着られなくなり、好みも変わります。それでも私は何とか変わらないで踏みとどまれないものか無駄にあがき、物を無駄にため込み、そして不変のものへの憧れと執着を募らせていきました。しかし、それは大きな間違いだったのだと知ります。
こうして生まれたのがゴミ袋をかぶったり着用している、顔のついたゴミ袋のイメージでした。 ゴミを出さずに生きられる人はおらず、人生のすべてがゴミ袋に収まってしまう日が既に粗大ゴミの私にもいずれ、突然訪れるのです。永遠に続くものなどただの一つもないのかもしれません。私が残したい作品ですら、誰かの目にはゴミとして映ることでしょう。終わりを迎えるまでの間、どんな風に生きましょうか、そしてどんな作品を作りましょうか・・・。
Ever since I was a child, I have always liked to be constant. Your favorite blanket or stuffed animal, your beliefs, your way of thinking, your habits, your style of life. I was sure that it would not change as it was, and that it would continue forever into the future.
In reality, my surroundings change at a terrifying speed, and when I grow up I can no longer wear the clothes I used to like, and my tastes change. Even so, I struggled in vain to try to stay the same, hoarded things in vain, and developed an admiration and obsession with the unchanging. But I know it was a big mistake.
Snakes, weasels, and rats were in and out of the storeroom next to the studio, so I cleaned up on a large scale by myself. My relatives' belongings were stored there, but sadly most of them were badly damaged due to the presence of living creatures and deterioration over time. My uncle's old notebooks, crafts and picture books from when my cousin was little, and my grandmother's kimono, who suffered from dementia. I sorted out the things that I had cherished, put them in garbage bags, and took them out to the garbage storage area on the designated day.
"Shi=I=So=San" is a four-letter idiom, "Shi=I" means not fulfilling one's duties while holding a position, and "SO=San" means a person who only eats = a useless person. Therefore, "SO=SAN no Utage" is titled "Useless Feast". I myself draw pictures with my husband's support, so I think some people see me as a waste of food and a large piece of garbage. While I am grateful to my husband for his support, I cannot stop drawing and want to make it my top priority. And with those thoughts in my heart, I pick up a pen and work hard today.
This is how the image of a person wearing a garbage bag or a garbage bag with a face was born.
No one can live without creating trash, and the day will suddenly come to me when my whole life will be in a trash bag. Perhaps nothing lasts forever. Even the work I want to leave behind will be seen as garbage in someone's eyes. Until I reach the end, how shall I live, and what kind of work shall I create...