「依存ロマンチック」/Codependent Romantic






The term and concept of codependence has become more popular than ever before. A state of verbal dependence on each other is called codependency. The more the analogy of romantic ant hell, the more difficult it is to get out of that twisted relationship, which blinds each other terribly. From the outside, their relationship is distorted, but while they complain to others, they don't actually take any action to improve it.

 "I grew up in a closed country family." My parents, siblings, and relatives are currently living apart from each other. When I hear that, I often get criticized, but since it's the distance I need to be myself, I won't give up on this one thing anymore. Only people who have lived in the country can understand what is going on in the country. The tangled relationships spread all over my body, covering my five senses so that I could not know what I was feeling, that I was no longer who I was. When my boundaries blur, I have to be you and you have to be me. I have to feel the same, think, cry, get angry and laugh. Like a strange plant, it has an eerie charm to it. Is it because it distorts the human desire to be connected with someone?

 And although drawing pictures with this theme is a small group of works, it is a job that requires even more energy than the "1/7" series. Confronting the deepest "hole" that I have at the moment and creating an image of it is a painstaking effort. Over the past few years, I have relied on my few remaining senses and close friends and husbands to reap and unravel relationships that are like ivy like blood vessels. The work of reconfirming my boundaries will need to continue as long as I live, like pruning plants. 

 * I was working while listening to Hiroko Taniyama's song "Kingdom". I feel like it's the theme song for this series, but if you're interested, please give it a listen. 

*Plant banding phenomenon: A type of plant malformation. Appearance changes such as stems and roots spreading flat due to abnormalities in the meristematic tissue of the growing point are observed.