女性のモデルについて/About the female model
英語の諺には「a rotten apple injures its neighbor(腐ったりんごは傍らのりんごを腐らせる)」というものがありましたが、「おくりもの」では果物のような人間、人間のような果物を描いています。大きさ、重さ、つや、虫食いや傷の有無、糖度などの様々な項目で検査されランクを付けてラベルを張って選り分けられて、包装材をまとわされ出荷されていく果物のように、人を選別、判断していることに気づかされることがあります。そしていつか誰かに贈られたり買われたり、賞味期限が切れて捨てられたり消費されていく様に生き方を重ねて見た作品です。
Before, I had the opportunity to hear from two people at the same time that "Rabbits have a strong fertility and have a vivid image" and "There is a sexual image", and those words left a strong impression on me. I think it's only natural that the image and culture of "bunny girls" and "Easter bunnies" (fertility and fertility) have been created from the ecology of rabbits.
In my works, seemingly cute motifs and grotesque motifs are mixed together. Most of the motifs are treated as symbols that remind me of some kind of meaning, memory, event, or emotion. If you just look at the motif, it certainly looks scary/cute, but I don't put a lot of effort into drawing just to convey cuteness/scaryness. The rabbits that appear in ``Let's play together'' and ``I let my guard down because I thought they were cute'' look at us with innocent, sometimes cynical eyes as we so easily jump to cute things and sexual images.
There is an English proverb that goes, ``a rotten apple injures its neighbor,'' and in ``gifts,'' humans are like fruits, fruits that look like humans, I drew it. Fruits are inspected for various items such as size, weight, gloss, presence of insect damage or damage, sugar content, etc., then ranked, labeled, sorted, wrapped in packaging material, and shipped. Sometimes we find ourselves sorting and judging people like fruit.
In "Like Flower", only "hito" is hiragana because I wanted to have the meaning of "human" and the meaning of "woman". Someone apparently wrote that a flower is like a flower with its skirt rolled up and standing on its head (exposing its genitals) with a cool face waiting for a mate to breed with. Plants, which gave up walking like animals and chose to live with roots in the soil, use astonishing wisdom and sometimes deceit in order to persevere and leave behind seeds. Just like us, they are desperate to survive, and their vitality is even frightening. Living like a flower means fulfilling your life as a vehicle for your genes. If we could live like that, if we could live according to our body's desires without worrying or thinking, we would be happy as living beings. And maybe that's something beautiful. However, as long as we live a social life as human beings, we will not be able to live completely that way. I think that's why we admire flowers so much.
All the female images (models) that appear in my works are like chimeras that combine the parts of several women and incorporate my own physical sensations. Some people feel that this face looks like they've seen it somewhere before, while others feel that it looks like them. And since half of my body is mine, I don't draw men.
The four works in this series reflect my views on women, as I was raised in a rural area where there was a strong tradition that families valued their eldest sons and that women should get married and have children. And it can be said that the underlying theme lies in the irony of those environments.
*This is not intended to be disrespectful or discriminatory based on gender, or to support feminism.