ラプンツェルは塔に閉じ込められ、バベルの塔は崩壊し、タロットでは正・逆位置どちらもネガティブな意味合いをもつ塔というものは、いつか崩れることを予感させるような、どこか不穏な雰囲気を人に与える存在のようです。 このシリーズで描こうとする塔とは、2つの塔からなるシリーズとしています。ひとつは送電線の鉄塔、ひとつは象牙の塔(のような首)とを女性を重ね合わせたイメージを描いています。
私たちの頭の上には暗闇を照らしいつでも見守るように、電球、電灯が浮かんでいます。夜が明るくなること以外でももちろん、電気の存在は私たち様々な豊穣を与え続けています。 その電気を送るために、たくさんの腕を広げ大地に立っている大きな女性、私たちを頭上から見おろす地母神のようなイメージ、なくてはならないライフラインを司っていると同時に握られているという畏怖畏敬、それが送電鉄塔に対して私が抱くイメージでした。
象牙の塔(仏:la tour d'ivoire)、とは「ソロモンの雅歌」7章4節の「なんじの首は象牙の塔の如し」から女性の美しさを称える言葉でした。それを「象牙の塔にこもる」という言い回しで文芸批評家サント・ブーブが詩人ビニーの態度を批評したことで、転じて現実からかけ離れた夢想、学者や芸術家が周りの社会と関わらず閉じこもって研究に耽る様子やその研究室の比喩として使われるようになりました。
細く長い首、というのは私の記憶の象徴です。私の母は細くて長い首であり、弟がそれを引き継ぎました。私は細くて長い首、母に似た容貌が欲しかったし、周囲からもそう見られていたかったのです。しかしそれはどう望んでも手に入りませんでした。 そして現在の私はと言えば、物理的にも精神的にも象牙とはほど遠い粗末な塔を日々築き、閉じこもって絵を描くことばかりしているわけです。それらを取り合わせたイメージが私にとっての象牙の塔なのです。
Rapunzel is trapped in a tower, the Tower of Babel is collapsing, and both positive and negative have negative connotations in Tarot.
The tower in this series of paintings of mine consists of two towers. One is a power transmission tower, the other is an ivory tower (like a neck) with a woman superimposed on it.
There is a power transmission facility near my current studio, so there are countless power transmission towers in the distance. The scenery that hasn't changed since I was a child shocked me, as I had only seen utility poles in my hometown. The flashing red light from evening to night was extraordinary and impressive. Light bulbs and electric lights float above us, lighting up the darkness and watching over us all the time. In addition to brightening the night, the existence of electricity continues to provide us with various fertility. "A large woman standing on the ground with her arms outstretched," "Mother Goddess looking down from above," and "awe and awe." These were the images of the steel tower.
And the art work drawn with the image further connected from here will be "Guardian of the Tower". I have an old diamond-shaped scar on my left leg from an accident. I am made of many scars. A subspecies supported by a robe filled with small diamonds continues to protect the mother tower as if driven by something.
The ivory tower (Buddha: la tour d'ivoire) was a phrase that praised the beauty of women from The Song of Solomon, chapter 7, verse 4, "Your neck is like an ivory tower." The literary critic Sainte-Beuve criticized the poet Vinnie's attitude by using the phrase "stay in the ivory tower". Eventually, it came to be used as a fantasy far removed from reality, as a metaphor for academics and artists shutting themselves away and immersing themselves in research without worrying about the surrounding society, as a metaphor for the laboratory.
A long, thin neck is a symbol of my memory. My mother had a narrow neck, which her younger brother inherited. A long thin neck, I wanted to look like my mother, and I wanted to be seen as such. But even if I wanted it, I couldn't get it. Now I'm building a tower that is far from ivory, physically and mentally, and I'm just silently painting. The combined image is an ivory tower for me.