

The topic of dementia and genes continues. There is no meaning in this sentence to discriminate against the person who suffers from the disease or the family.

祖母は、亡くなる数年前より認知症を患っていました。 徘徊して迷子になったり過去のことを怒ったり、高価な買い物をしたり誰のこともわからなくなったり。 そうして私の知っている祖母でなくなって、しばらくした頃亡くなりました。


 私たちの周囲では認知症以外にも、遺伝のために発症するもしくはしやすくなる病気や疾患が徐々に明らかにされ始めて、多くのことが遺伝子の螺旋を読み解くことで分かってきました。 遺伝子の設計図は強靭で、しかし時に脆く、私たちを作り上げています。 




My grandmother had been suffering from dementia for several years before she died. She wanders around and gets lost, gets angry about her past, makes expensive purchases, and loses track of who she is. So she was no longer the grandmother I knew, and she passed away some time later.

 My mother, who helped her grandmother in her final days, was eating walnuts because she heard they were good for her brain because she was afraid of hereditary dementia. Since then, whenever I see walnuts, I am reminded of the above.

In addition to dementia, diseases and diseases that are caused by heredity or that are more likely to occur due to heredity have gradually begun to be revealed around us, and many things have been understood by deciphering the gene spiral. Our genetic blueprint is what makes us strong, yet fragile at times.

 It seems that there is an idea that "living things are vehicles of genes". If what we think we have decided by our own will is determined to be decided by the invisible steering of our genes, where are our genes heading?

 In the center of this work, I drew a CT scan image of the brain showing symptoms of dementia. As vehicles, we walk blindly, not knowing where we are going. Stepping over the fairy ring of mushrooms and repeatedly wandering in circles, you feel like you've made progress, and you really do. From now on, I will continue to walk while wandering.

 - With deepest condolences and deep gratitude to the mice used in research that contribute to the advancement of science and medicine.